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Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Well well welcome! In October of last year I joined the retail world. And boy oh boy is there more to it than I could have ever imagined. Who would have ever thought it mattered that the dresses had to be closer to the front door than the suits. And boy does it REALLY MATTER. Like, managers will have a heart attack if it's not done right, matter. That those round "donuts" with the sizes on the hangers had to be on every piece of clothing even though without them the customers would still be able to find the right size clothes. That even though every day the store beats the sales goal, they still cut everyones hours. This blog will allow you to jump on this retail train i'm riding. Every day funny things happen, whether it's getting hit on or almost getting hit for not accepting a return. Enjoy these stories and welcome to well, well retail!