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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Donation Return

Last year around winter time my work had a coat drive. Customers were able to bring their coats in and donate them and receive a 10% off coupon for their entire purchase. This year instead of a coat drive, the organization decided to just accept monetary donations. A woman came in this year and wanted to donate her coat. My coworker who helped her explained that this year there was no coat drive and that we were only accepting donations. As expected, the woman, frustrated, shoved the coat to my coworker and says, "Well, here!" She stormed off and went about her day egging schools and kicking dogs. (I'm kidding.) Had the coat been nice I may have donated to myself but this ugly thing had a home and that was our dumpster.
Think that's the end of the story? Of course NOT!
A day or two after we had disposed of Betty White's coat I was on my way to the back to do something. (I probably just wanted to get away from the front. Not really. I work. Anywho.) I walked by the front door and saw a suspicious looking Eminem wannabe come in the door. He had a bag in his hand and through this bag I could see the coat we had just thrown away. He asked me where to do returns and I pointed him the way. I went on to the back and thirty seconds later my coworker asked me to call her over the intercom at work. "Girl! Do you know what just happened? That guy just tried to return the coat that the lady tried to donate and we threw away!!" Look player. Do some research. Scan the coat section to see if you see anything like that coat to make sure we sell it. World's dumbest wannabe criminals you keep us entertained! Thanks!


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